Astudiaethau Gwybodaeth a Llyfrgellyddiaeth

Rydych chi'n edrych ar y cwrs hwn ar gyfer Dechrau Medi 2024

Gofynion Mynediad Nodweddiadol

Gofynion Mynediad 2:2 Bachelors (Honours) degree in any subject, or equivalent. Distance learners must demonstrate 3 months (around 400 hours) work experience and be in continued employment or have regular volunteer work in a relevant sector.  Non-graduates will be considered individually based on relevant work experience.

Gofynion Iaith Saesneg IELTS 6.5 gydag o leiaf 5.5 ym mhob cydran, neu gyfatebol

Gofynion Eraill Applicants should provide details of previous relevant work/volunteer experience, and current position held, at the point of application and include an up-to-date CV.

Yn ôl i'r brig

Trosolwg o'r Cwrs

Ynglŷn â’r Cwrs Yma

Modiwlau Dechrau Medi - 2024

Noder: Y modiwlau a restrir isod yw'r modiwlau y bwriedir eu cyflwyno ar hyn o bryd yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf ac mae'n bosibl y gallant newid. Maent wedi'u cynnwys yma i roi syniad o strwythur y cwrs.

Modiwlau Craidd

Teitl y Modiwl Cod y Modiwl Gwerth Credyd
Dissertation DSM1460 60
Collection Management DSM8010 10
Information Organisation and Retrieval DSM7820 20
Information Services: Planning for Delivery DSM5420 20
Information and Society DSM7620 20
Research in the Profession DSM1810 10
Studies in Management DSM7720 20


Teitl y Modiwl Cod y Modiwl Gwerth Credyd
Archive Management: Principles & Techniques DSM2820 20
Digital Information : Discovery to Delivery DSM7510 10
Digital Information Literacy DSM3220 20
Digital Presence: Content and Creation DSM0520 20
Digital Preservation DSM6010 10
Focus on the Child : Reading and Libraries DSM8810 10
Knowledge and Information Architecture DSM6820 20
Rare Books Librarianship i DSM1610 10
Rare Books Librarianship ii DSM1710 10
Records and Information Governance DSM0820 20


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