Hanes / Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol

BA Hanes / Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol Cod 2DLV Dewch i Ddiwrnod Agored Dewch i Ddiwrnod Agored

Ymgeisio Nawr

Modiwlau Dechrau Medi - 2025

Noder: Y modiwlau a restrir isod yw'r modiwlau y bwriedir eu cyflwyno ar hyn o bryd yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf ac mae'n bosibl y gallant newid. Maent wedi'u cynnwys yma i roi syniad o strwythur y cwrs.

Modiwlau Craidd

Teitl y Modiwl Cod y Modiwl Gwerth Credyd
International Relations: Perspectives and Debates IP20120 20


Teitl y Modiwl Cod y Modiwl Gwerth Credyd
A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century IP28320 20
Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800 IP28820 20
Capitalism and International Politics IQ22820 20
Cenedlaetholdeb mewn Theori a Realiti GW29920 20
Climate Change Politics IP21420 20
Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene IP20720 20
Contemporary Latin America IP28720 20
Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell GW25820 20
Datganoli a Chymru GW25020 20
Devolution and Wales IP25020 20
EU Simulation IP24020 20
Economic Diplomacy and Leadership IQ24320 20
Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics IQ22920 20
From Mincemeat to Cyberwars: A Global Perspective on Covert Operations since 1945 IQ20520 20
Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol GQ23720 20
Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen? GQ23820 20
International Politics and Global Development IP29220 20
Intervention and Humanitarianism IQ20220 20
Justice, Order, Human Rights IQ21720 20
Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics IQ24420 20
Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society IP20820 20
NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War IP23320 20
Nationalism in Theory and Practice IP29920 20
Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw GQ23920 20
Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw GQ23920 20
Political Theory IP22220 20
Politics in Diverse Societies IQ23720 20
Questions of International Politics IP26820 20
Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin IQ24920 20
Science, Technology, and International Relations IP23020 20
Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics IQ25120 20
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War IP24520 20
The Arab-Israeli Wars IP21320 20
The BRICS in World Politics IQ20320 20
The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems IP23820 20
The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module IP22320 20
The Past and Present of US Intelligence IP26020 20
The Second World War in Europe IP26420 20
The Strategy and Politics of Nuclear Weapons IP20420 20
Total War, Total Peace IQ23420 20
Trade Wars and the Liberal Order IQ21620 20
UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain? IQ23820 20
War Crimes IQ25720 20
Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918 IP25320 20
Women and Global Development IP29620 20
Women and Military Service IP21620 20
Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol GQ20920 20
Llunio Hanes HA20120 20
African-American History, 1808 to the Present HY28320 20
Beirdd a Noddwyr: Llên a Hanes c.1300-1500 CY20720 20
Concro'r Byd: Twf a Chwymp Ymerodraethau Prydain a Ffrainc HA21820 20
Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850 WH23420 20
Culture, Society and the Victorians HY29320 20
Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417 HC20120 20
Cymru a'r Tuduriaid HC23520 20
Diwylliant, Cymdeithas a'r Fictoriaid HA29320 20
Environmental History of the Neotropics (Latin America and the Caribbean) in the Capitalocene HY29120 20
Famine in Medieval England HY25520 20
From the Second Empire to the Third Reich: Weimar Germany 1914-1933 HY28420 20
Germany since 1945 HY29620 20
Gwrando ar Hanes: Y mudiad Hawliau Sifil yn America HA24720 20
Image Wars in Southeast Asia: Studying 20th Century Propaganda HY23720 20
Interdisciplinary and decolonial history HY24320 20
Kingship and political culture in high medieval England and Norway, 1066-1263 HY22120 20
Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze HY25920 20
Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain HY27520 20
Memory, Myth and History: Investigating Medieval Chronicles, c. 1000-1250 HY24120 20
Modern Japan: From Samurai to Salary Men HY29820 20
Recounting Racism: Oral History and Modern American Race Relations. HY25020 20
Reforging the Union: The Reconstruction Era in US History, 1863-1896 HY27720 20
Rhyfel Cartref America HA26820 20
Science, Religion and Magic HY28620 20
Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present) HY29920 20
Stori America, 1607-1867, ar Ffilm a Theledu HA24520 20
Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008 HA28120 20
The Atlantic World, 1492-1825 HY29720 20
The European Reformation HY26520 20
The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300 HY25720 20
The Sound of History: the Civil Rights Movement in Post-War America HY24720 20
The Tudors: A European Dynasty? HY20920 20
Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850 HC23420 20
Victorian Visions: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions HY24620 20
Wales and the Kings of Britain: Conflict, Power and Identities in the British Isles 1039-1417 WH20120 20
Wales under the Tudors WH23520 20

Modiwlau Craidd

Teitl y Modiwl Cod y Modiwl Gwerth Credyd


Teitl y Modiwl Cod y Modiwl Gwerth Credyd
A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century IP38320 20
African-American History, 1808 to the Present HY38820 20
Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800 IP38820 20
Capitalism and International Politics IQ32820 20
Cenedlaetholdeb Mewn Theori a Realiti GW39920 20
Climate Change Politics IP31420 20
Concro'r Byd: Tŵf a Chwymp Ymerodraethau Prydain a Ffrainc HA31820 20
Contemporary Latin America IP38720 20
Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850 WH33420 20
Culture, Society and the Victorians HY39320 20
Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell GW35820 20
Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417 HC30120 20
Cymru a'r Tuduriaid HC33520 20
Datganoli a Chymru GW35020 20
Devolution and Wales IP35020 20
Dissertation IP30040 40
Diwylliant, Cymdeithas a'r Fictoriaid HA39320 20
Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig GW30040 40
EU Simulation IP34020 20
Economic Diplomacy and Leadership IQ34320 20
Environmental History of the Neotropics (Latin America and the Caribbean) in the Capitalocene HY39120 20
Famine in Medieval England HY35520 20
Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics IQ32920 20
From Mincemeat to Cyberwars: A Global Perspective on Covert Operations since 1945 IQ30520 20
From the Second Empire to the Third Reich: Weimar Germany 1914-1933 HY38420 20
Germany since 1945 HY39620 20
Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol GQ33720 20
Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen? GQ33820 20
Intervention and Humanitarianism IQ30220 20
Justice, Order, Human Rights IQ31720 20
Kingship and political culture in high medieval England and Norway, 1066-1263 HY32120 20
Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics IQ34420 20
Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze HY35920 20
Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain HY37520 20
Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society IP30820 20
Modern Japan: From Samurai to Salary Men HY39820 20
NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War IP33320 20
Nationalism in Theory and Practice IP39920 20
Political Theory IP32220 20
Politics in Diverse Societies IQ33720 20
Questions of International Politics IP36820 20
Reforging the Union: The Reconstruction Era in US History, 1863-1896 HY37720 20
Rhyfel Cartref America HA36820 20
Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin IQ34920 20
Science, Religion and Magic HY38620 20
Science, Technology, and International Relations IP33020 20
Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present) HY39920 20
Stori America, 1607-1867, ar Ffilm a Theledu HA34520 20
Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008 HA38120 20
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War IP34520 20
The Arab-Israeli Wars IP31320 20
The Atlantic World, 1492-1825 HY39720 20
The BRICS in World Politics IQ30320 20
The European Reformation HY36520 20
The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems IP33820 20
The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300 HY35720 20
The Past and Present of US Intelligence IP36020 20
The Second World War in Europe IP36420 20
The Strategy and Politics of Nuclear Weapons IP30420 20
The Tudors: A European Dynasty? HY30920 20
Total War, Total Peace IQ33420 20
Trade Wars and the Liberal Order IQ31620 20
Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850 HC33420 20
UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain? IQ33820 20
Wales and the Kings of Britain: Conflict, Power and Identities in the British Isles 1039-1417 WH30120 20
Wales under the Tudors WH33520 20
War Crimes IQ35720 20
Women and Global Development IP39620 20
Women and Military Service IP31620 20
Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol GQ30920 20

Gofynion Mynediad Nodweddiadol

Tariff UCAS 120 - 96

Safon Uwch BBB-CCC

Gofynion TGAU (o leiaf gradd C/4):
Cymraeg neu Saesneg

Diploma Cenedlaethol BTEC:

Bagloriaeth Ryngwladol:

Bagloriaeth Ewropeaidd:
75%-65% overall

Mae'r Brifysgol yn croesawu ceisiadau israddedig gan fyfyrwyr sy'n astudio'r Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch neu gymwysterau lefel T, ar yr amod eu bod yn cyflawni'r canlyniadau perthnasol o ran cynnwys y pwnc a'r dysgu. Ni allwn dderbyn Diplomâu Mynediad i Addysg Uwch na lefelau T fel cymhwyster cyffredinol ar gyfer pob cwrs gradd israddedig.
Mae ein polisi derbyn cynhwysol yn rhoi gwerth ar ehangder yn ogystal â dyfnder yr astudio. Dewisir ymgeiswyr ar sail eu teilyngdod eu hunain a gall cynigion amrywio. Os hoffech wirio a yw eich cymwysterau yn gymwys cyn cyflwyno cais, cysylltwch â'r Swyddfa Derbyn Israddedigion am gyngor ac arweiniad.

Yn ôl i'r brig
