Dychwelyd i Ymarfer (Oedolion)
NQUG Dychwelyd i Ymarfer (Oedolion) Cod Y146 Dewch i Ddiwrnod Agored Dewch i Ddiwrnod Agored
Ymgeisio NawrRydych chi'n edrych ar y cwrs hwn ar gyfer Dechrau Chwefror 2025
Mae Dychwelyd i Ymarfer yn rhaglen ran-amser ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Fe fydd yn rhoi profiad dysgu cynhwysol sydd (yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth derfynol y Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth) yn cyflawni Safonau Dychwelyd i Ymarfer y Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth [CN&B] (2019). O’i chwblhau’n llwyddiannus gallwch wneud cais i gael eich derbyn yn ôl ar y gofrestr broffesiynol yn ymarferydd gofal iechyd cofrestredig annibynnol, a bod yn hyderus yn eich gallu i ateb anghenion gofal cyfannol, sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, ar gyfer yr amrywiaeth hynod o bobl y byddwch yn eu cyfarfod wrth weithio.
Mae'r rhaglen yn addas hefyd i nyrsys nad ydynt yn gallu cyflawni gofynion y Cyngor N&B am nifer oriau ymarfer ar gyfer ail-ddilysu i aros ar y gofrestr broffesiynol.
Trosolwg o'r Cwrs
Ynglŷn â’r Cwrs Yma
Dysgu ac Addysgu
Gofynion Mynediad Nodweddiadol
Tariff UCAS
Safon Uwch
Gofynion TGAU (o leiaf gradd C/4):
GCSE (or recognised alternative) English language – grade C/4 or above
Applicants must confirm that they meet the NMCs English language requirements as outlined here: English language requirements - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (https://www.nmc.org.uk/registration/joining-the-register/english-language-requirements/)
GCSE (or recognised alternative) Mathematics – grade C/4 or above
Equivalent numeracy skills through prior experiential practice-based skills","language":"
Diploma Cenedlaethol BTEC:
Bagloriaeth Ryngwladol:
Bagloriaeth Ewropeaidd:
Gofynion Eraill { "category":"EntryRequirement","message":"Applicants must: - provide evidence of previous registration with the NMC. - have capability to update numeracy skills in order to meet the programme outcomes. - have capability for digital and technological literacy to meet the programme outcomes. Please note that capability for numeracy skills and digital and technological literacy will be further assessed during the applicant selection event. Applicants with NMC practice conditions must provide a decision letter issued by the NMC. Additional Requirements: In addition to academic achievements, in order to comply with professional requirements, the admission criteria also include: - Good Health and Good Character assessment (see Fitness to Practise information below) If you are offered a place with us, you will have to complete an Occupational Health Screening form - Enhanced DBS clearance (see Fitness to Practise information below) If you are offered a place with us, you will have to complete an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Screening. Fitness to Practise Process Good health and character requirements as stipulated in NMC legislation means that you are capable of safe and effective practice either with or without reasonable adjustments. It does not mean the absence of a health condition or disability. Therefore, should any issues regarding your health and character be identified through our screening processes or you have been subject to NMC practice conditions, a Fitness to Practise Risk Assessment administered by the Academic Registry Team, will look at each individual situation and if required they will convene a Fitness to Practise Panel. The Panel will look at each individual situation and make a decision regarding your eligibility to be accepted onto the programme. If you have any concerns about this, please feel free to discuss this further with the Admissions Tutor. " }
Mae'r Brifysgol yn croesawu ceisiadau israddedig gan fyfyrwyr sy'n astudio'r Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch neu gymwysterau lefel T, ar yr amod eu bod yn cyflawni'r canlyniadau perthnasol o ran cynnwys y pwnc a'r dysgu. Ni allwn dderbyn Diplomâu Mynediad i Addysg Uwch na lefelau T fel cymhwyster cyffredinol ar gyfer pob cwrs gradd israddedig.
Mae ein polisi derbyn cynhwysol yn rhoi gwerth ar ehangder yn ogystal â dyfnder yr astudio. Dewisir ymgeiswyr ar sail eu teilyngdod eu hunain a gall cynigion amrywio. Os hoffech wirio a yw eich cymwysterau yn gymwys cyn cyflwyno cais, cysylltwch â'r Swyddfa Derbyn Israddedigion am gyngor ac arweiniad.